Pharmacy / pharmacie Dentist / dentiste Community Healthcare / soins de santé communautaire Social Services / services sociaux Medical Clinic / Clinique médicale Physiotherapy / physiothérapie Chiropractor / chiropraticien Dietetics / nutrition Speech language therapy / orthophonie Foot care / soins des pieds Medical imaging / immagerie médicale
601 Limoges Road, Limoges, ON, Canada
601 Limoges Road
K0A 2M0
Voici la liste des services et contacts au Carrefour santé / Here is the list of services and contacts for the Health Hub :
Pharmacie Guardian / Guardian Pharmacy
Centre dentaire Limoges / Limoges Dental Centre
Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie / Community Health Centre
Services communautaires de Prescott-Russell Community Services
Centre de santé Nation Health Centre
MMI Medical imaging / MMI Immagerie médicale