Please help with our community web site

Looking for 2 or 3 volunteers in the community that have website management experience to help support this community website –

We need to complement our current group to share the workload as this is a volunteer driven community website supported by the Limoges Web Site Committee.

We need your support primarily for website maintenance and improvements. The web site is maintained by the Word Press (web site management system) and knowledge of WordPress would be an asset.

Please send your co-ordinates to if interested.

Dog waste bins in Limoges

Dog waste bins installed in Limoges

Note that the waste bins are moved as required by the municipality and new bins have been added.

Not only are plastic bags or dog poop left on the ground around the Village a health risk but they are also an eye-sore for everyone. Thanks to the initiative of members of the Limoges Citizens Committee, bins designated specifically for the collection of plastic bags containing dog excrements were recently installed across the Village of Limoges. It is another step taken to enhance our community’s pride. If you are a dog owner, these new bins will make it simpler for you to dispose of your dog’s poop in a respectful manner.

As a good pet owner, you love and take care of your dog. It is however also YOUR civic responsibility to pick up after your dog at all times, be it on private or public property.

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